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Sep, 2020

WHYS Recreation Return To Play

                                                WHYS RETURN TO PLAY DOCUMENT September 11, 2020
We are following recommendations by the TN Pledge and from the Return to Play document from TSSA. As those recommendations are amended by either entity, this document will be amended as well.

Before Practice:

1. If anyone in your household has tested positive, or anyone in your household has been in immediate contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19, please refrain from attending practice until the required amount of quarantine days has been achieved.
2. If any household member is showing any symptoms of Covid-19 please refrain from attending practice.
3. If possible, a temperature check of the player before they arrive at the complex is ideal. Any temperature of 100 degrees F or over should be considered a risk and should refrain from attending practice.
4. Medical clearance from a physician is required in writing to be able to return to practices.
5. Please make sure your player has sufficient water/other liquids to keep themselves hydrated during practice. There will be no water fountains available at the complex.
6. Please limit ridesharing between families when possible. We realize some of this is unavoidable but please emphasize we are trying to limit cross contact between families when possible.
We are counting on our families to be honest and forthcoming with their coaches as it pertains to making sure their players and members of their family who will be attending practice are healthy and help us limit possible exposure to other members of the team/club. Please contact your coaches/team manager if any situation prevents you from attending practice as it related to exposure or symptoms of Covid-19. Team officials will be required to report any positive results or reports of anyone becoming ill during practices at our facility to club leadership. This information will not be shared with anyone, but we are required to maintain records of these reports and make changes if any exposure is reported.

Arriving at Practice:
1. Please enter and exit complex using areas designated by the club. This has been designed to limit cross over contact between members of our different teams.
2. Please arrive at complex and enter your field area approx. 10-15 minutes before your scheduled practice. Any shooting or movement on your field outside of this window is not allowed.
3. Players and family members are required to wear face coverings to and from their practice field.
4. If parents come to field to watch practices, please sit in areas designated by the club, and wear masks where 6’ social distancing cannot be maintained

During Practice:
1. Please limit movement around the complex by parents and/or other family members. Please try to not have persons roaming around the complex, riding bicycles etc,. Trips to the restrooms are acceptable as long as social distancing is maintained and masks are worn to and from the restroom facility. If possible limit attendance from additional family members at practices and games.
2. Contact is now allowing according to the RTP document from TSSA and TN Pledge. Contact drills and scrimmages between teams from the same club are allowed. Our coaching staff will still maintain social distancing during training and skills portions of practice as well as during water breaks. Their contact portions of practice will be limited early to the later portions of practice in the first week or two so they can get acclimated back to this style of practicing.
3. No league equipment other than goals assigned to your field can be used for practices (corner flags, pop-up goals, benches etc.)
4. Inclement weather policies are still in place. Make sure your team members have the rain out line app downloaded and set up to receive alerts for City of White House. Lighting policies are still in effect as always. If a lighting delay is enacted, all team members should go to their OWN vehicles for shelter. No one should be in or around the complex building or shelter.

End of Practice:
1. Once practice has concluded, please exit the fields in the same manner you entered the complex from the above map.
2. Please limit any after practice meetings, and limit players remaining on the fields after their team practice has concluded.
3. Please tell player to refrain from removing cleats, and other clothing items on the field of play. They should wait till they are in their designated parking area or vehicle before removing any playing gear.
4. Please make sure all team family members clean and disinfect clothing, balls, shingards, water jugs, etc. upon returning home after every practice. Coaches will be required to do the same for their gear (cones, training aids, pennies, etc.) so any items worn or used during practice will be cleaned.

We are fortunate we are now in the position to be able to start soccer again! Please make it a priority for you and your team member to take these requirements seriously so we can all do our part to keep our staff, players and families safe. While we are by no means out of the woods yet, we are excited for everyone to be back!


White House Youth Soccer
PO Box 485 
White House, Tennessee 37188

Email: [email protected]

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